Why you need to stop paying monthly hosting fees

Why you need to stop paying monthly hosting fees

Many of us prefer hosting our apps and websites on big servers with more RAM, storage, CPU etc. Most of these hosting platforms, charge from $6 per month, for example Vultr. Vultr offers an $6 per month VPS with 1 GG RAM, 1 CPU, 32 GB NVM storage etc. But this plan, might not be the best for large websites that require more RAM and other resources.

So what happens when your server becomes small or slows down your website or fails to provide the required resources?, well, most of us upgrade our servers by increasing more RAM, storage etc.

But here is the problem, when we upgrade our servers, usually our websites do not use up all of the server's resources but we still pay for monthly hosting fee for example $100 when our websites only uses maybe 30% of its resources.

Why can't we pay for resources being used only than paying for an entire server?

Well,this is what every web master wishes for. Well, there is this company called Closte .

This is the only company I have come accross that lets you pay for only resources being used than paying for entire servers. I am not an affiliate with them but I highly recommend switching to them. With my WordPress site hosted on Closte, I got charged $5 in my first month, my site is super fast too. Here is the full review Do you know any companies that offer this type of service? Let me know in the comments